CHRISTOPHER RYAN MORTON Update officers information and/or submit photo of officer
Officer Rank: Patrolman
Memorial Panel: 41-W: 31
Department: Clinton, Missouri, P.D.
End of Watch: March 6, 2018
Cause: SHOT
Age: 30
Years of Service: 2.5
Description: Patrolman Morton was ambushed and shot when he and four other officers responded to a scene involving a 911 open line call, where females involved were heard arguing in the background. Upon arrival, officers met with a female subject that stated no one else was in the residence. Upon entering the residence for a safety check, the officers were hit by gunfire by a male suspect. Patrolman Morton was transported to the hospital where he succumbed to his injuries. Two other officers suffered non-lethal gunshot wounds. The suspect committed suicide.
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