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Officer Rank: Police Officer
Memorial Panel: 56-E: 30
Department: Fryeburg, Maine, P.D.
End of Watch: June 6, 2017
Cause: BOAT
Age: 20
Years of Service: 3
Description: On May 27, 2017, Police Officer Desjardins was severely injured in a boat accident on the Saco River in Maine. Officer Desjardins was participating in his first day of water rescue training with another officer. The officers were dispatched to assist with the rescue of several boaters from a capsized canoe. The department boat crashed on shore and the impact threw the two officers into the water. Officer Desjardins suffered a severe head injury and he was transported to the hospital where he remained in a coma for ten days before succumbing to his injuries. The other officer involved did not incur life threatening injuries. One of the boaters from the capsized canoe drowned.
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